CanonPriceWatch Score for eBay Sellers
We take our store reputations very seriously! We calculate a much more stringent feedback score than eBay does. We only look at high-value Canon items, so a store cannot pad their ratings with low-value or irrelevant items. We also deduct from a retailer's score for any Neutral Feedback -- because a neutral transaction is not a positive transaction! We look at all feedback going back six months.
Our requirement is 98% before we'll recommend a dealer.
We encourage you to read the feedback for the item you're purchasing -- click the box for all the details. Especially for unauthorized dealers, some negative feedback is unwarranted (e.g. customers complaining about import models when the listing clearly states it was an import model, or complaining about split-kits; you should expect this).
Please contact us if you'd like to add sellers to this feedback tracker.
Authorized Dealers
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CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
Unauthorized Dealers
Click any box for detailed score breakdown.
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items
Not Recommended
Click any box for detailed score breakdown.
CanonPriceWatch Score
based on eBay Feedback
on 1 Canon Items